The Shomron research team focuses on the analysis of genomics aimed at
understanding human diseases. Combining high-throughput methods and
bioinformatics (such as AI and deep learning), our team’s research
explores DNA changes and gene regulators. Our goal is to reach a
global perspective on the roles DNA and RNA play during disease
Among our projects: Identification of microRNAs that are in the
intersection of several oncogenes; Revealing the effect of coding and
non-coding RNAs on pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine;
Profiling pathogens in human tissues based on deep sequencing of DNA
and RNA molecules; Running advanced rapid DNA and RNA sequencing for
real-time feedback in medical scenarios.
Overall we aim to deepen our understanding of disease development in
order to generate a significant impact through translating ideas into
clinical reality.
Deep sequencing analysis of viral infection. Allows rapid and detailed characterization of viral mutant spectrum. Code will be supplied upon request.
Identifies associations of miRNAs, their regulated genes, and the drugs annotated in literature as dependant on these genes.
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, Room 303
פרופ' נועם שומרון
בית הספר לרפואה, חדר 303, אוניברסיטת תל אביב
חוקר ביטוי גנים באמצעות שיטות גנומיקה מתקדמות
חוקר בקרת ביטוי גנים באמצעות מיקרו-רנ"א
טלפון-מעבדה 03-640-7387
טלפון-משרד 03-640-6594
טלפון-נייד 054-5321030
פקס-מעבדה 03-640-7432
Complete Affiliations:
Full Professor, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences